Dear frends and foes!
As you may know there were electons in our country and the elections were won by Central Party. As the chairman of the party i was appointed by our Great king primeminister. I cincerly hope that you all agree that gendre is not problem. I hope that in time when i am prime minister then we all became frends
Annabel Hoffmann
Primeminister of Bestonia
Pioneer of civic equality between Woman and Man, Monte-Cristo rejoices to see one more representative of the Fair Sex acceding to political power. So much the more as Lady Annabel did not benefit from old-fashioned dynastic rules, but was elected according a progressive process worthy of our Age of Enlightenment. Bestonia appears as a very advanced Country.
Our most sincere compliments.
Greetings and congratulations from the Soweiter League! The League includes members of the fair sex in its government - for example, Minister of the Purse, Countess Gretl von Pfennig-Pfynch as seen in http://soweiterleague.blogspot.com/2007/12/batrachian-dressing-doggerel-and.html
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