With the recent rise of the Ottoman Empire,once more setting her eyes Westwards ,I feel it would be useful to know where our nations lie- especially those who have a border with the Ottoman Empire!
Am I alone in wishing we had a map of our relative positions as the campaign season comes forth. Any volunteers or views?
best wishes
1 day ago
I wonder if a Schematic one ( like the one at Who's Who and What's What ) would be a way forward.......
There's a partial map, as mentioned, it just needs a lot of updating to catch up to the current list of nations.
I generally refer to the "bubble map"
How about removing names on the map of people who have left this BLOG, if any? Or who don't care anymore? Are there any?
Kindest Regareds,
Check out this on our blog: \
Yes, it's a tad dated, but the primary players are still well indicated .... remember that the "territories" of our imagi-nations tend to overlap quite a bit in some sort of quasi dementional warp ''
Hmm! Hetzenberg hasn't got much of an army yet, but I wouldn't mind placing it on the map. Maybe somewhere east of Frankzonia and west of Wittenberg.
While only one member has "left" the group blog -- and then returned -- there are a number who have not posted in quite a while.
Nevertheless, we can have up to 100 authorized users (we currently have 46). I am therefor loath to "delete" anyone.
Some members who have been inactive have after a while become active again . . . so I don't like the idea of deleting them from the maps.
Maybe "shrink" the size of their bubbles if you must . . . but don't delete them without their owner's permission. (note: Tragardmaster may allow some of his former Imagi-Nations to perish if he wants to).
For the record, my two countries (Saxe-Bearstein and Stagonia) occupy the more modern positions of Bohemia and Bavaria respectively.
-- Jeff
group blog administrator
My Imagi-nation of Raubenstadt is located on the Neckar River where it flows into the Rhine (The old Kurpfalz district). The capital is Heidlebeerenburg (Blueberry Hill) or Heidleburg as it is known in the real world.
So "Johnny Turk" is feeling froggy, eh? Hummmm Seraglio politics; green silken bowstrings around commander's necks; Jannisaries; a reason for the HRE to exist! I like it! The eyes of the Markgraaf have turned to the East!
The Soweiter League and Batrachia are in a little corner far enough that the Turk is little more than a rumor. Bossanova is closer to the Turk's neighborhood, but aside from petty backstabbing, chicanery, misdeeds, and other foulness aimed anywhere they think they can get away with it probably wouldn't attract any more notice than a pile of goat dung.
By the way, the Soweiter League is hoping a certain small nation in the northern part of a foggy and sceptre'd (or is it "spectre'd")island will be joing us one of these days.
Apart Togaras (alas, three time alas!) that seems to be concentrating on its own affairs (provisopnally, we hope), I spotted no Nation close to the Turkish borders that had severed its relationships with 'our part of the World'. Boyardvina is recruiting. Vulgaria was silent while fighting the Turks as an ally to Russia, but is back among us. I read elsewhere that Neo-Byzantium will reappear on the international scene in july or so...
Those of you that have seen the blog, will have seen that Ober Nord Westfalen (ONW) occupies much of what is now Schleswig-Holstein and a bit of Hannover and North Rhine Westphalia. But I agree, a schematic map wold help, even if my preference is for a 'political map'!
Hals und Beinbruck, alles!
Hello Alan,
Yes I did that 'bubble-map' a while ago that Arthur mentions.
Perhaps it is time to get out the mappeing straw and blow into the cartograpic milk to get some new bubbles formed?
I'll take it on, however some time will likely pass before I could have it all ready.
I have mentioned before that a great map exists already (though meant for Napoleonics) the locations and general values in the Empires In Arms map should more than 'do' for our purposes here.
Yet again the question of relative physical space becomes important and yet again I find I am standing on the side that says we must 'fix' the locations of our 'imagi-nations' sooner rather than later...
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