Given the lively developments ... I probably missed this already,
but ...
does anybody actually HAVE any Ottoman units ready for gaming?
1 day ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Sadly I dont at present!I started the Ottoman angle because I felt it was an area that we really needed to cover to get a true 18th century feel! The siege of Vienna ( not to mention the wars of the 1730s) etc was not that long before 1758 ,if you think about it, and the Otto men could still be back at the gates anyway,any day.
Twenty years ago my uni wargames club and I put on a display of the battle of Banjaluka 1737 or so. I still have some Austrians from then but have long lost touch with the chap who had the Ottomans.....
Anyway I feel,at the very,very least, the Ottoman diplomatic presenece on EvE does add something unique and vital.
Indeed, no 18th century-style world would be complete without the influence of the Sublime Porte. I noticed before now that the good folks at RSM95 have Ottoman Turks in their range, and I was tempted. The beauty of having such an army is, they're different, and would serve equally well up into Napoleonic times.
My Ottoman forces are gradually building up. If you look at the Frundsberg blog there are several themes/labels of which one is "1690ish" which covers the period is question. I have plans for another action soon for this section
Sorry. No Turks for now, but Zevzda already has Janissaries out, and more troop types in the pipeline. (I've always wanted a unit of "Aretoo" Arnauts. Ha Ha). Were Bashi-Bazooks around in the 18th Cent., or were they a 19th Cent. development? I would think that one irregular light cavalryman would look pretty much like another.
Got some in 'bare metal', but not in quantity nor ready with time to paint them all up.
The Ottoman angle was not supposed to take off until 2010-2012 time frame for me anyway...
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