From the Gazzete di Taranto
Her Orthodox and Serene Excellency, Princess Theofilia of Morea and Achaea, Duchess of Apulia and Countess Palatine of Cephalonia and Zande , had sent ambassadors to the Sublime Porte and Venice to consult regrading the situation brewing in Dalmatia between the Hapsburg Empire and the Dey of Bizercca. Furthermore she has orded the 74 gun ship of the line ,Andronicus and the 24 gun frigate Naumaxos to set sail for Bari. They also carry orders for the reffiting of the 56 gun Apulia. Furthermore the Latinikon and Nafplioton regiments are to be transported to Apulia to reinforce the Duca di Apulia regiment and the two battalions of the Pezonauton regiments already there.
At the same time, rumors circulate that the Princess wishes for her 16year grandson Basil, King of Romans and Count of Bari,
The Principality of Morea is a newcomer to "EvE" and the blog can be found here:
Please welcome them to our 18th century.
-- Jeff
Welcome, Principality of Morea! Indeed, an Imagi-Nation that adds a dash of Greek spices to our little world!
The Grand Duchess of Grolstein sends her warmest regards to the Principality of Morea. She has directed this humble minister to convey her wishes for success to a new monarch and particularly a person of womanly virtue and complexity!...and further sends her regards to any nation that feels the winds of the Mediterranean in the blood! The Duchess particularly welcomes nations who's men have the real "metal"....in their hearts...and, as those men from Bleiherzen will eventually learn...the Duchess is not to be resisted!...welcome sister!
--Maria Marlena of Grolstein
We present a heart-felt welcome to this place of diplomacy and earnestly desire to extend our gratitude for any assistance which would thwart the plans of the Dey.
Greetings and felicitations from the Reich Duchy of Beerstein. Welcome to the wonderful world of Imagin-Nations. Reich Duke Wilhelm has submitted Her Orthodox and Serene Excellency, Princess Theofilia of Morea and Achaea, Duchess of Apulia and Countess Palatine of Cephalonia and Zande to the Reichstadt for investiture into the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Tankard...
The Dey of Bizercca welcomes ambassadors from the valourous Principality.
As a token of his goodwill, the Dey has ordered the commutation of the death sentence of Droungarios Spyridon Ducas, captured off Malta in command of vessels attempting to interfere with the vessels of the Deylicate, whose claim of Morean nationality could not previously be confirmed.
The diwan of the Deylicate anticipates a swift and a satisfactory resolution to the issue.
Pioneer of both civic egality between men and women and unprejudicied intercultural friendship, Monte-Cristo greets and welcomes Morea and Princess Theofilia.
Hopefully they will help to dispell current misunderstandings between opposite shores of 'our' Mediterranean Sea.
Would he deign to visit our humble Presipality while touring the civilzed world, Royal Count Basil would of course be a most honoured guest. But does his Excellent Grandmother known of our peculiar customs and costumes?
Louys, POPP
Grand Duke Karl of Hetzenberg extends felicitations to the Principality of Morea. Welcome them to the circle of imaginations. The contribution of Morea, an ancient seat of civilization will no doubt be a fruitful one.
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