I thought that you might want a look at the mad fellow (me) who started all of this . . . so click on the photo for a better look (if you want).
Anyway, please allow me to wish you all a most sincere and heartfelt "Merry Christmas"; and a "Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year" . . . and may the coming year be filled with many thrilling moments on the table top.
-- Jeff, EvE's Inhaber
Merry Christmas Jeff.
... and many thanks for E.V.E. keeps many people sane in a mad world.
Best wishes foe the New Year, for yourself -your health- and all those dear to you.
We'll never thank you enough for creating 'Emperor vs Elector'!
Most sincerely,
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, and thanks very much for EvE.
Merry Christmas from the Soweiter League and the Batrachian Empire!
I hope everyone has a great holiday and a happy new year!
Things have been a little slow on the hobby front for me lately due to "real world" stuff. But I hope to do a little more in the coming weeks.
Jeff, we all owe you our thanks for establishing E v. E. May I wish you and everyone here a Merry Christmas and peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Merry Christmas, Jeff
My thanks as well for your effort in keeping this splendid site afloat!
Merry Christmas, and thank you!
Merry christmas Jeff and huzzah for all your efforts!
Jeff and everyone else,
I hope that all of you have had a merry Christmas and will have a happier new year!
From Jim and all the denizens of Col Campbell's Barracks
All of Beerstein wishes you a very Merry Christmas, and the Reich Duke hopes your health continues to improve in the New Year. As for creating the EvsE, we are all greatly indebted to your genius...
Let me also express my warmest wishes for a best New Year to you all, especially you Jeff and all those who've so gently helepd me introduce in this ever exciting world.
All the very best for the Season, Jeff. I'm very glad to be part of the world of EvE, and really hoping there can be some action this year in the Wholly Romantic Empire. The Emperor Violoncello is getting on a bit and is not well. The heads of some of the member States (especially the Electorate of Altmark-Uberheim) are getting... erm ... restless...
All of Schwabia is at peace with the Christmas truce in effect and all lift a cup to toast your accomplishments and to wish you good fortune and a happy new year.
Thanks a million Jeff!
To all the chaps here whose writings, etc. I read daily.
Best wishes for 2011,
In New Byzantium, Christmas is only on the 7th of January (its that Julian thing...)
Nonetheless, the army depots are furiously busy getting new recruits into uniform and starting their drills....
I still think it was great that you jumped into taking action on that little idea conversation we had Jeff!
Happy New Year to you!
Yes, I should acknowledge that Murdock and I had talked about "wouldn't it be nice if . . ."
What has turned out is a bit different than what we talked about, but Murdock does get some of the credit for helping spark the idea.
-- Jeff
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