20 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
The Galatan/Catalan Ambassador has already sent urgent word to Palace in Barcelona. As soon as Her Imperial Majesty's request has been received, Parliament of the Principality has been summoned for debating and taking a convenient decision. News expected soon.
(Well, it's pretty nice to suppose in advance that we've finally prevailed in our 1713 campaign -if not, we hardly "would be there" some decades later to give back the aid...)
Let me extend an invitation to join
our forum Stand Your Ground (SYG).
We could use your talents and acumen. Thanks!
While by definition and centuries-old practice Monte-Cristo is perfectly non-aligned and neutral, in this conflict between the Empire and the Free Kingdom of Silicy as in any other, we sincerely WISH that by this time there is an independent Galatea to reply (note that being unprejudiced we don't use the word 'answer') to the Empress.
Otherwise, being by nature as humanitarian as peaceful, the Presipality would have offered asylum and a decent job to as many poor Galatan refugees as it could cater for.
(Amazing how Time is as elastic as Space in our 'EvE' avatar of the Multiverse: Galatea currently 'lives' in 1713, Monte-Cristo before the end of the WAS, most countries during the SYW and Stollen sometimes after its conclusion!)
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