15 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Hummm...With a nickname like, "The Undefeated", one would have to wonder about the length of his service record, since even the rawest gentleman soldier/recruit can claim the same.
yes Martin,perhaps you may have missed a few of the more subtle points..
That is some hat!
he has to wear it a bit askew as if he wears it properly for and aft , so to speak, the feathers drooping over the front point dangerously obscure his vision..
I know the figure and that is some fancy conversion there! Excellent work. :)
Luvverly feathers and a good character.
I assume he has gout?
Major General Friedrich Phillip-Emmanuel Kristian von GansPflücken, Baron Stahl, Count of Sontar, Proprietor of Ir10., von Sontar, of the Pangaean Reichs Armee Stahldof Kreis, Member of the Enteburg Order of St Daffyd, (The Order of the Black Duck), in the fetching General's version of the uniform of his Regiment " The Ducal Sontarans".
You mentioned elsewhere this lucky man's beautiful wife: *he* does have a beautiful wife? *He* with his paunch of Continental Champion of "Gulping beer and sausages"? According to a French saying 'Lucky in gambling, unhappy in love' (or the opposite, it works in both ways). Thus, if undefeated at gambling... was his wife born Mademoiselle Chatterly with a fondness for gamekeepers, or Grande Duchess of Gerolstein with a fondness for young military types in flamboyant uniforms?
Outstanding paintjob -I followed your conversion : a *great*work by itself!
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