Fellow Monarchs,
It has come to our attention that the Imagi-Nation of Cavenderia lacks an enemy. Indeed it is said that Prinz Geoffrey is seeking one so that he can 'exercise' his army.
While I am somewhat unsure as to which 'neighboring' states might covet some of Cavenderia's provinces, I would hope that someone will soon visit the land of Cavenderia and perhaps provide their army with its desired 'exercise'.
-- Jeff the Blog Inhaber
13 hours ago
Certainly I can find the foe...what I need to know is where is Cavenderia located (generally speaking)?
With that I can 'arrange' the foe very easily...{shh...put the dagger away and stash the cloak for now}
Anyway, I'm sure neutral third parties would allow free trespassing to one or the other belligerent...
Distance between enemies is not a problem in the 'EvE' world; distance between their 'rulers' in 'The Real World™' can well be one...
Prinz Friedrich von Waldreck hates everyone with equal venom.
Is there a EvE map or do I simply state from what area of fictional Europe or Asia Cavenderia is in. I am extremely interested in putting to the sword the Emir Driss Khal-al-Waw Dey who is a constant threat to Cavenderia shipping. alla Russia vs. Turkey it would be very cool to find and paint some 10mm turks to represent the Deylicate.
I think Cavenderia would be where Slovenia is below Austria that would explain the mountains and coast and allow me to fight Bizerrca if willing and Italians and to assist Austria.
An ally of the treacherous Imperium?
Say no more, the Dey will commence kidnapping raids after morning prayers tomorrow.
Monte-Cristo will double the "Saracen Watch", just in case (just in case some free booty drifts ashore after an encounter between Cavenderian and Bizerccan ships, actually).
Huzzah, I am very excited about painting some ottomans I will of course need some help as I have no references as such. I am ordering some 15mm old glory austrians and ottomans to fight a night raid pitting some Bizerrcan raiders against IR-Jung garrison troops on the Cavenderian Coast. Will post on the blog.
The Khanate of Dobrudshiva would be a natural foe for Cavenderia!
The Khanate of Dobrudshiva would also be a natural ally to any Ottoman based opponents that are attacking Cavenderia.
Naturally since The Khanate of Dobrudshiva is your foe then The Duchy of Mieczyslaw would become a natural ally to Cavenderia!
Very interesting potential additions to the war. I will check out the sites.
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