By mid-afternoon, the sloop cruised under the looming gaze of the forbidding island of Montecristo, and the crew kept sharp watch to all quarters, since the desolate rock was the reputed rendezvous for smugglers, pirates and other cutthroats operating from Sardinea, Corseta and other places still unsubjected to definitive control by the Gallian, Genovese or Pimentese navies.
The sailors on deck paid most attention astern, though, as a persistent haze in that quarter throughout the day was regarded with misgiving. A scirocco blowing across the Mediterranean would mean a strong southerly wind to be sure, but also augured gales and the strong likelihood of storms before the wind reached the Genovese coast.
1 comment:
Do not confuse the desolate islet of Montecristo with the merry Presipality (Presipacy would probably be a better translation?) of Monte-Cristo!
The rumour that the later uses the former as a secret state jail is totally unfounded.
Louys of Monte-Cristo
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