6 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Very useful illustrations. I think you're riding the wave of the future in naval games.
As I was rereading "Wooden Ships and Iron Men" last night to prepare for the battle between the Pharaon and Corsair, it occurred to me that cards like those used in Wings of War would be the best way to detach from the hex/grid system that constrains WSaIM. Looks like you have worked out a lot of the details.
A couple of questions come to mind:
Do you have a conversion table for converting engine hits to rigging hits and so forth?
Do you go with the normal WoW rule dictating the plotting of three moves at a time?
I dimly recall reading that Starfleet Battles had developed a similar system for its miniatures, but I never ran down exactly what the turn radius measurement device was that they used.
I'm sorry, I meant to post this on my site and was surprised when I entry it showed up here. Anyway, we don't worry about hull or rigging hits. A 56 to 64 gunner takes 15 hits, a 74 takes 16 hits, a 80 to 84 gunner takes 18 hits, a 98 to 100 gunner takes 19 hits. When ship reaches it's max hits it sinks. So when you take a lot of hits it's smart to break off combat if possible. If the ship end its movement in contact with an enemy ship they are considered grappling. A 64 gunner has crew of 600, a 74 has 700, an 80, 98 or 100 has a crew of 800. Each turn of grappling cost each ship 100 men until a ship reach half strength then they strike their colors. We do use three cards per turn. It really add a little fog of war. Sorry this went on so long, but I've had several emails asking for more info...Bill
Very interesting stuff. I take it from Ignaz' comment that the cards are Wings of War components? I've not ever played it before.
I highly recommend Wings of War its the easiest and best game I've played in years. The concept is simple, elegant, and a blast to play. Our group loves it because there are no dice, therefore no bad rolls!By adapting the principals to sea-fare, I've had a change to use my ship for the first time in ten years. The shear joy of no charts or complicated rules makes gaming just plain fun!
Best regards...Bill
Hmmm, I've been toying with the idea of getting some "Pre-Dreadnaught" ships . . . but I haven't found rules that were simple enough.
This looks like it has possibilities as far as the maneuvering goes. Shooting will require something a bit different though.
And, of course, there is the problem that I don't have (and haven't even seen) "Wings of War" . . . but the concept gives me some ideas.
Thanks, Bill.
-- Jeff
Ah, interesting and cool use of Wings of War. I've seen the game and thought about getting it. This gives more one more reason to consider it.
Thanks! :-)
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