Wilhelm II was elevated to Prinz and Baron von Brewswick. Maj Gen Adolph von Coors Baron von Blatzberg, Maj Gen Lother Blunderdonner Baron von Alesgarden, General Pickelmany, Generaloffizer Mackay, and General Lista Baron von Lista were all invested into the Order of the Golden Fleece and named Reich Graf (Count of the Empire). Colonel Honking Thirst was also invested into the Order of the Golden Fleece and presented a regiment of his choice.
In a private audiance, Empress Maria Theresa explained that the Barony of Brewswick is a very contentious province. Austria, Prussia, and Russia all have claimed the mineral rich area and her appointment of Wilhelm II as Baron will no doubt raise the ire of Berlin and Moscow. Since Wilhelm II is still attending the University of Pabst Field Marshal Reich Duke Wilhelm will serve as "Reich Protector" against all adversaries!
What do you know, a Saxe-Bearstein man (von Coors) has done quite well for himself.
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
Congratulations to one and all! Heartily deserved.
General Pickelmany expresses his gratitude and great regard for the Empress!
Also, he invites his fellows over for a barbecue at a little place he's renting just outside of Vienna ...
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