How about the religious leanings of our different countries? A couple have been interacting with Rome recently, and one has its own set of religions such as the Later-in-the-day Saints. But I thought a thread regarding the religious leanings of our populaces might be useful.
Hesse-Engelburg is primarily a Protestant principality, however it has some Catholic population, particularly in and around the city of Nonnenzuflucht ("Nun's Refuge"), where a number of Catholic nuns were given refuge after their convent in a neighboring state was threatened during Protestant-Catholic fighting in that state.
Ober-Schweinsberg is a patchwork, especially due to the number of mercenaries of various nationalities.
15 hours ago
In Monte-Cristo, following the atrocities of the Wars of Religion, the State is officially a-religious and any public manifestation of religious alignement is forbidden. Yet, Monte-Cristan culture is rooted in the surrounding Roman Catholicism, and a few not-too-obvious chapels are known to exist. But, as a whole, religious practice is limited to superficial animist / fertility cults rituals. The popular and continual invocation of St Jezebel is devoided of any true religious content. A persistant rumour alludes to the perpetuation of a secret Neo-Pagan / Luciferian / Cthulhuesque cult among the military.
But, chiefly, Monte-Cristo counts on its isolation to be ignored by any zealot.
Hi Jonathan,
Interesting idea! The Grand Duchy of Stollen is primarily Protestant with a Catholic enclave in the contested Duchy of Schleiz. The Electorate of Zichenau is largely Catholic with a smattering o Lutherans here and there. Both countries also have some inhabitants of the Russian Orthodox and Jewish faiths. The former primarily in the eastern reaches, and the latter living mainly in the larger towns and few cities that dot the landscape in my part of imaginary 18th century Europe.
Best Regards,
While predominantly Protestant - Presbyterian of all things - after suffering through all the horrors of the Thirty Year's War, the territory that became Raubenstadt doesn't care much one way or the other. As the current Markgraaf put it, "My subjects are free to worship who they want; how they want, as long as no one gets hurt, and they don't scare the livestock. However, they will render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars', and unto God the things that are Gods'. In this interpretation, I am Caesar;so render up the standard interview fee for this interview with the Markgraaf."
The Soweiter League is a mix, with some members leaning more towards one faith (or none) than another - for example, Saxe-Goldberg is predominantly Jewish, but mostly non-orthodox; while Ballyfoole practices a mix of Catholicism and Druidism; San Gelato is mainly Catholic; many of the other states are predominantly Protestant or Catholic or some of each; but all have various numbers of members of other religions. Tolerance, along the lines of the Dutch Republic is the norm.
Batrachia is predominantly Catholic.
Bossanova has a mix of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.
The Duchy of Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn is baroquely Tridentine in its Catholicism.
The Pfalzgraf of Waldreck is officially Lutheran, but the control of the Pfalzgraf over the episcopacy has resulted in such great doctrinal deviation from the Augsburg Confession that the denominational affiliation is nominal at best.
The population of Saxe-Veldenz practises a fervently Pietistic Lutheranism, praying piously for the souls of the family of the Duke, whose grandfather converted to Catholicism near the end of the War of Spanish Succession.
The Duke of Pfalz-Zwiebacken is Reformed, as is the population of the duchy at large, settled by waves of Hugenots after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes on the eve of the War of Palatinate Succession which, ironically, resulted in the transformation of the duchy into a de facto Gallian protectorate. The Calvinism of the population may therefore have been a deciding factor preventing the outright Gallian annexation of the duchy.
Well, in Frankszonia, the official religion is a subsidiary rite of Catholicism, the Later-In=the-Day Saints. Even though this rite leads the court to an obviously spirits filled leaning, much of the commons are more loosely Protestant, though still quite devoted to St. Peter in the Anglerican communion.
As a trade oriented community, Frankszonia officially encourages Jewish settlement and attempts to tolerate most abbera ... uh, devia ... uh ... theological differnces that not too overtly decadent and depraved as the practices reported in Stagonia ...
Neo-Byzantium appears to worship Ishar, the Moon Goddess. But, since the attemp to burn down Paris failed, Emperor Bob XXI seems disinterested in the affairs of our Europe...
is naturally and happily Roman Catholic. Louis XV was also known as His Most Christian Majesty.
What happened to the fellow who tried to burn down Paris last summer? Was that you JL or someone else? Surely that was not you or was it?
My compliments to Fitz-Badger whom I presume came up with this name. Clever. Some here may remember the dance and song of the same name from the 1960s. Lovely song. A very fine petty state name indeed!
Votre Serviteur,
Bill P.
My Dear Senior(if not Elder) Cousin,
that odioux attempt was the fact of Bob XXII, the so-call Emperor of so-called Byzantium (Pagans! How Heathens can dare to claim the name of Byzantines!).
Apparently the agents escaped, and the "Byzantines" keep a *very* low profile since.
Yet, the fact that according to all expert they used *improved* Greek Fire is a source of worry.
Respectuously fraternal regards,
Wiitenberg is a mix of protestant faiths and catholics; who get along without any problems. Fenwick to the north is predominately protestant.
Monrovia to the east is predominately catholic, as are Saxe-Jarlsberg and Hesse-Limberger.
-- Allan
Tradgardland is happily Roman Catholic.
She has a mutual defence pact with Denmark/Norway and is a staunch ally of Gallia in the the old and new world.
Ah yes, Bossanova, the capital city is Casanova. Ruled with an iron sneer by King Boris "the Boar".
As for the attempted burning of Paris I would think the Monte Cristans would've done the job with panache, elegance and only figuratively ("setting the town ablaze", as it were). ;-)
Although there are no members of the Orthodox faith in Clove-Hamhock, Protestants, Catholics, and Jews can be found in the Duchy. In fact, the Duke's family has both Protestant and Catholic branches. One member of the family converted to the Hebrew faith due to his passion for one of the daughters of a leading merchant family.
Let's not forget Vulgaria (hopefully Poruchick will recover from his 'AncMed' fever and come back to the tricorns), the only "PC" Orthodox country (*No*, not 'Politically Correct', but 'Player Character')
Would it suit the tortuous Presipapal diplomacy, you can count on Monte-Cristan female agents to "set the town ablaze" - and NO, not by castapiana!
The Bad Nachtschwein League, composed of scattered merchant towns within Ober-Schweinsberg, is notably predominantly Lutheran, though most would agree that the religion of the leadership of the League, though not necessarily of its people, is money.
Ober-Schweinsberg does have a significant Jewish population, but they are mostly concentrated within towns which remain loyal to one Prince or the other.
There is also a small pocket of Russian Orthodoxy, due to the settlement of Russians who had emigrated to the Landgraviate to join the mercenary service.
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