Von Olsen sits alone in his tent. He has awaited messages of support from Europa for too long now. None have come . He holds his head in his hand and looks at the pistol lying on the desk. He can see no way forward. ....
The sentry outside hear a pistol shot and runs into the command tent. Von Olsen is slumped over the desk. The dream died with him?
Sometimes a decision made in haste...
It isn't more than 20 minutes after the single pistol shot that a report of "Sails, ho!" will likely ring out from one of the sentries watching the sea, heralding the arrival of the Hesse-Engelburg squadron in the distance.
Behind the Hesse-Engelburg squadron, Colonel von Heiner can see the small English vessel that has been tracking them change course, moving away. The Hesse-Engelburg squadron, national and personal flags clearly set but battleflags not yet run up, continues on its course for the harbor. Nervous watchmen in the rigging observe the shore batteries, watching to see if the squadron will be allowed to enter or fired upon....
Well, well... Who is betraying who?
Diplomacy, the game that broke so many life-long friendships...
Well, I guess I was right that he wouldn't be taken alive.
Maybe he faked his death?
Paul Van Olson
Amanuensis to his grace,
Duke Ignaz von Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn
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