25 September 1758/2008. Atop the highest section of the city wall of Frankfurt Am Main, we see Gallian l'Intendant Bastille consulting his ordre de bataille. We know he is uneasy observing another brigade departing for the Main Army but the reality is, he still commands ten thousand infantry within the garrison. Perhaps the cloudy day reflects his demeanor or is it a metaphor for his thoughts instead? Off to the left and in temporary residence, we see Maréchal l'Duc de Broglie waiving his baton saluting and honoring the soldiers as they pass by. Alongside is Lt. Gen. Armentieres, their commander. In the extreme distance the Bercheney Hussars screen 2/La Sarre followed by two battalions of Régiment Auvergne with supporting battalion artillery. Where are they going? Their route points to Bergen but beyond that we can only make a poor guess. However, that is no concern of l'Intendant. He will soon turn his attention to greater security measures within the magazine and the confounding nature of Frankzonian politics. Quietly he wonders if the new jail should have been built to a greater capacity.

Battalion artillery. What do the storm clouds portend? Photo taken by son Tyler.

The head of the column. Frankfurt Am Main is in the distance.
Click on each photo to enlarge.
Votre Serviteur,
Excellent posting. Even though they are Gallians, the sound of the drums and the flying colors brings the martial bearing of us all to the forefront!
Excellent posting. Even though they are Gallians, the sound of the drums and the flying colors brings the martial bearing of us all to the forefront!
A lively looking lot. Very nice scenery...Bill
Your son Tyler has takes some lovely photos indeed.
I also very much like the terrain and the composition of these photos.
More please.
-- Jeff
My blood is warming observing the forces muster. Know that other columns are preparing for battle also.
News has spread all over Europe that the allies of Gallia and Hesse Seawaldt has their military on the march. L’intendent Bastille receives a word that General Remy Martin of Freyburg has arrived with a Squadron of cavalry and he request a private meeting. General Remy Martin then informs Bastille that over 6,000 soldiers from Freyburg will be arriving in Frankfurt the next day on their way to the front.
Wow Excellent photos! Very impressive troops!
One can definately almost hear the fife's & drums...
The dark clouds of war are drawing in over Uropa.
Tres,tres bon Monsieur!
votre serviter
Thank you Gentlemen!,
for your interest, support and kind remarks. I appreciate this very much.
Three of us, Der Alte, Randy and I are cheerfully busy painting SYW miniatures, responding to RSVPs and organizing one thing and another for the "BIG BATTALION" game on the 11th hosted by Der Alte. For example, I am currently engaged in expansion of the Saxon von Brühl Dragoons.
Votre Serviteur,
...and very attractive von Bruhls they are. Hurry Bill, paint faster, faster. We have lots of room for horsies in the game.
"Quietly he wonders if the new jail should have been built to a greater capacity."
You need jails? surely just a high brick wall in a secluded courtyard will do for "processing" miscreants and threats to the Realm...
Very evocative pictures! The tramp of marching feet; the sounds of fife and drum; the scent of a storm on the wind that stirs the banners...
So promising! Thanks for sharing.
Hoping for a *lot* of pictures of the 'Big Battle'. Monte-Cristo will specially watch the famed Freyburgers.
Hello Der Alte,
Za von Brühls are getting their uniforms fitted this weekend and will trot to the front very soon.
Two Auvergne Battalions:
28mm Elite Miniatures.
2/La Sarre: 30mm
Edward Suren/Willies
25mm Minature Figurines
28mm Front Rank
Artillery Crews:
25mm Garrison
25mm RSM
28mm Elite Miniatures
28mm Front Rank
30mm Edward Suren/Willies
Cannons: Elite Miniatures.
Horses: 25mm Hinchliffe
Rider: 25mm RSM
Ammo Wagon: Hinchliffe
Broglie: 25mm MiniFig Marlburian
Bastille: 28mm Redoubt
Armentieres: 25mm Garrison
Doffing Hat: 25mm RSM
ADC: 25mm Mini Fig
Other Items:
Miniature Building Authority Walls and Bridge, Forested Hills are glued onto dusky blue posterboard from Scenic Effects, Storm was spray painted onto the poster boards.
Thank you everyone!
Gorgeous jobs on that painting!
I've just gotten back from the hospital and still have quite a bit of catch up to do again.
The Frangipani Hussars and the Black Kilts are strictly speaking merc units, and I guess the Hurtshog would be willing to subcontract a few squadrons and a battalion to Broglie should he want a tad better grip on the instability outside of his own head ....
Will Milady de Winter be escorted by her Black Scorpions foot henchmen, or are they still waiting for their proper uniforms?
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