Hear ye, hear ye! His Majesty Louis Philippe of St. Maurice wishes it to be made known that he will in fact declare war on any imagi-nation which might actually be deemed worthy of facing the might of St. Maurice on the field of battle. It must also be noted that His Majesty considers all french-speaking opponents to, of course, be worthy by default.
Does this mean that the Kingdom of St. Maurice is no longer an ally of the Gallians?
If so, there's some interesting scenarios involving Frankszonia ...
the Resistance would use you as a refuge and there would be fights of all sizes in the hilly forests which lie between our two Stadt lands ...
We in St. Maurice have always considered the term "ally" a matter of some financial negotiation. Never let it be said however that we would turn a blind eye (deaf ear, broken nose, etc., etc.) to the plight of those suffering political persecution or refused shelter to unfortunate refugees (most especially if they should bring a fairly hefty fortune with them). It may well be that His Majesty will hear the agonizing cries of your serfs in chains and see fit to well and truly liberate them all from their bondage. After all, we in St. Maurice have ways of making bondage a rather exciting (indeed scintillating) experience...
You might expect to soon have a visit from * Hans Muckiethaler: evil banker who is generating instability hoping to be able to control the stadt bundt if the Duchy falls.
...! Oh, you mean he's chairman of the FED in Frankszonia?
He was, but he got away when the first anti-Gallian coup failed ... now he just has a "silent partnership" in a few hundred commercial operations from the Hansiatic cities to Istanbul ...
Bet he's a little behind on his taxes also, huh.
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