Duke Kristjan the II extends an invitation to all who wish to join in the festivities at Krajak Palace.
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
I edited your post to add a link to your blog . . . remember not everyone knows which blog it is.
-- Jeff
from Monte-Cristo, a warm welcome to our 'League of Lace Wars Imagi-Nations'!
Glad to see you've come aboard safe and sound!
I'm sure that one or two of the Fhartzen would be glad to attend your ball ... especially those who are feuding with their cousins (an extensive list as they ALL are feuding with some cousins! LOL).
In fact, I suspect Graf Felix Fhartz, the crazy cat man, and his wife will be glad to show up ... with about a dozen very mixed breed felines in tow (don't panic, they always get them neutered or spayed as soon as possible ... of course, since these will be the ones that they picked up on the trip ... (evil grin)
The Soweiter League would like to extent a warm welcome to the Duchy!
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
The Grand Duchy of Hetzenberg extends a warm welcome to the Duchy (and welcome to the fellowship of imagineers! )
Greetings and felicitations from the Reich Duchy of Beerstein. Our roving ambassador, General Graf Bruce Ostendorf will schedule his visit in order to attend your gala...
Wonderful! We welcome The Grand Duchy of Hetzenberg and Reich Duchy of Beerstein.
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