French Revolutionary forces occupying the town of Bruckewasser have announced the execution of one Seamus O'Malley a notorious counter-revolutionary of noble birth captured while serving with the notorious Frundsberg Freihussaren.
Unconfirmed rumours are that this was a propaganda event and that the younger son of Baron O'Malley of Ballyfoole has escaped the clutches of Madame Guillotine.
More details over on the Frundsberg blog
1 day ago
Oh, oh! Koenig Ludwig, the mad king of vile Stagonia, is going to want one of these machines.
This device will be the cause of much Trouble!
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
Nicknamed 'La Veuve' (the widow).
Say it isn't so!!!
I wonder who they killed ... that poor sergeant who let the prisoners escape?
a tisket, a tasket
a head in a basket,
none will answer
the question you ask it
Vive la Revolution!
Madame la Guilotine has but one tooth, and 'tis exceeding sharp...
Foul lies!
O'Malley lives!
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