Today started song and tance festical in Bestonian capital Revelia.
This festival has 18th tance festival and 25 th song festival. Choirs come all over Bestonia and so did tance groups. This festival shovs all the wold that people in Bestonia are united and brothers. Some tance groups came even from Vancovria. That is from 2300 miles from Bestonia. More informations is on Bestonian home page. Also there are prime ministes speach about this event
11 hours ago
We in Monte-Cristo ardently believe in Euterpe and Terpsichore as bringers of both joy and national unity. They even work for universal peace: the creations of great bards move everybody, people like songs from other countries and translate them one after the other in their own tongue, promoting intercultural syncreyism.
While the leaders are vigilant, don't let their worries spoil the general happiness.
Our best wishes to Bestonia and Lady Annabel in these troubled times.
Reich Duke Wilhelm is sad his Grand Tour could not attend Bestonia's song and tance festival. Perhaps nest year...
Dear Reich Duke Wilhelm
You can come to next Bestonia's song and tance festival. It held in four years later
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