3 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
The Might of Beerstein is growing at a tremendous pace!
Super regiments, as always.
Are minis for the Andreas Hofer's Tyrol rebellion available in appropriate scale? 'German' mountaineers in short leather breeches will soon be -with Highlanders- the only types missing from the forces of the Reich Duchy!
Hum Highlanders!!!
It is the opinion of the Court of the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein that Sir David Linienblatt of Tippelbruder is a most worthy choice for such a prestigious and responsible position.
We salute your sagacity in appointing him to this post.
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
for Furst Bruno von Ursa
David Linienblatt is most gratified by the honour conferred on him. He will have the tailors of Tippelbruder run him up a uniform as soon as possible and very much looks forward to the day when he will be able to visit Beerstein to inspect and meet the troops.
And many thanks to the Court of Saxe-Bearstein for its approbation.
The Soweiter League sends out congratulations to the Recih Duchy of Beerstein and to Sir David Liniet of Tippelbruder for this wise and worthy choice!
(Haud yer whist, what do ye mean "Hum Highlanders? lol - If the Reich Duchy is in need of Highlanders Saxe-Urquhart has volunteers to spare - in fact the Laird of Saxe-Urqhuart, thrifty Scot that he is, is considering hiring out Highlanders as needed, to help recover the costs of maintaining troops, ye ken?)
Och, stoopid computer hiccups! That should read "David Linienblatt" of course! Crivens!
If the Laird of Saxe-Urqhuart has some highlanders vaguely resembling the British Black Watch, these troops could be used to escort our pioneers and pontoniers. What sort of flag would these fellows sport?
Capt. Bill,
"Vaguely" is a good word for it! lol
Be forewarned, if ye've ivver read that educational work called "The Wee Free Men", detailing the Mac Nac Feegle, by the esteemed scholar Sir Terry Pratchett, and combine that with the documentary "Bonnie Scotland" by Messrs. Laurel and Hardy, ye'll have some idea of how these lads behave! LOL Not for the faint of heart!
As for a flag there is the Saxe-Urquhart "national" flag at http://soweiterleague.blogspot.com/2008/11/geography-101-saxe-urquhart.html
I may work up some sort of "regimental colors" for the troops to fly.
Would not Saxe-Urqhuarter Highlanders receive original uniforms in Beerstein service?
As potential 'mountaineer' grenzers typical 'skirmishing irregular light infantry'), I asked about the availability of Andreas Hofer's followers on TMP.
Well, the Wee Free Men are okay if they have a decent Kelda handy.
Of course, Cut-me-own-throat Dilber would cheerfully engage them as suppliers for his sausage operations ...
Which is probably why the Black Kilts have been so faithful to the House of Stanken in Frankfurter ...
Jean-Louis - I had never heard of Hofer so I googled the name. Wow, quite a patriot! Too bad he didn't get more support from his overlords or neighbors... Seems like figures for his troops would be a very niche market.
Alawys advocating 'corruption', not of minors but of minis, I feel such mountaineers in leather pants, even if manufactured as 'napoleonics', would provide Lace Wars Imagi-Nations with a colorful alternative to Grenzers or Miquelets.
If one is to sculpt such ‘alternate 18th C.’ mountain infantrymen, they would look more ‘typical’ if the leather hose is shortened and doesn’t cover the knees (yet not as short as worn nowadays by Tyrolean dancers: modern rendition of ‘typical’ costumes always exaggerate the most distinguishing details: compare the current uniforms of Evzons with the traditional Greek costume).
Also, the large hat brim if turned up on one side Anzacs-fashion would look more ‘military’, and would be less of an encumbrance if the men are supposed to carry their musket slung across the back when climbing. Such hats later (like the Scottish bonnet) received feathers -black grouse, capercaillie or pheasant: would look good for sergeants and officers.
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