Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Honours Granted

Fahnrich Brad von Austin, for his valorous and intrepid conduct in the service of the Imperium and Reichsarmee in the late action at Steinkreisdorf, is hereby inducted into the Obersaynische Haus-Ritter-Orden vom Heiligen Ignaz. He is priviliged therefore to the style of Ritter von Austin, and all of the privileges and prerogatives appurtenant thereto. His grace will be pleased to award the decoration at the honours banquet at Schloß Moritzburg on the first evening of the Hunsruck Neuweinsfest this Friday.


Capt Bill said...

A very handsome award indeed!

ColCampbell50 said...

Now we just need to have Ed Youngstrom get the young man's e-mail address so that he can be informed of his honors.


Martin said...

An impressive "bauble" for one so young! May this be the first of many.


Bluebear Jeff said...

Does anyone know if he was already interested in the 18th century? Or was this just a first exposure?

If he's interested enough, there's always room for more members of "Emperor vs Elector" (well okay, we can only add 48 more members . . . but that's a lot).

As usual, anyone interested can contact me at . . . bluebear@uniserve.com

-- Jeff the "EvE" Inhaber

Ken said...

By all accounts, the young gentleman earned it. Huzzah!

Ed said...

It was Brad's second time to play wargames at all! Apparently he attended MCon last year and has not played since!

I'll post the award at LSHM for him to find. It looks wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Young Brad also played in the DBA tournamnet in which he took Second Place! And that was his first rime playing DBA!

So before you fine tri-corn'ed gen-teel-men go get all huffy and puffy about gaining another SYW club member, consider that he also took great interest in 15mm Ancients.

I can hardly wait to see what he does when he's introduced to Napoleonics.

Ray R