"Attention Nations!"
Herrschaden announces the appointment of Unterdirektor Walther Ansbach-Hoffen to the post of attache to Hermann Geldversteckt, currently in The Presipality of Monte-Cristo.
In addition, Direktor aus Kavallerie, Rupert de Perignon 'Le Poupre', is posted to Oesterschaden, to assist Direktor-Fraulien aus Nachtmitfahrer Katarin Lahmia, in animal-husbandry techniques and the raising and training of a stout body of men for the formation of light-horse regiments.
Unterdirektor Kurt Peiper, of the Liebgarde Kurassier regt, will take position as cavalry commander, during Direktor Perignon's new duties.
That is all......for the moment".
Direktor aus Information Nelnieh Trebor, under authority from Otto Schwarz von Blitzenkruz,
(Authorization Code ID: OIIIIIIIO)
3 hours ago
Would Unterdirektor Walther Ansbach-Hoffen join Direktor Hermann Geldversteckt in Monte-Cristo, we would graciously welcome him in our usual manner.
Rulers of this Continent, according to one of our agents in Herrschaden, the seemingly innoucuous and purely domestic part of this Ansage is not to be overlooked.
Ansbach-Hoffen will join Geldversteckt, until recalled to conduct other direktions.
His reports of the extensive and magnificent resource material contained in the Monte-Cristo library are more than enlightening.
Both are to facitilate the repatriation of any ex-Liebregt members, but to date, there do not seem to be any...
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