The festivities are well underway in the Duchy of Tradgardland. Duke Karl Frederick walks amongst the pavilions and celebrating crowds arm and arm with Duchess Liv. In his hand he carries another bottle of Elderflower champagne.His wound has eased enough to allow him to celebrate as he has done each Midsommer since he was a small boy. The bonfires are lit, the May Poles risen to the skies and the haunting dance music is played upon hurdy gurdies...
The Duke still wonders what will happen after the duel of recent days ,yet he is transported by the day and the joy surrounding him. With Liv , he becomes caught up in the intricate dance that weaves its way around tent and bonfire following the same invisible maze that has been followed for over a millennium...
For today the Duchy celebrates - Skogsmork becomes forgotten as Midnight comes and goes. It will be a long but joyful night for one and all...
A Good Midsommer to you all , wherever you are, from the Duchy of Tradgardland!
And a very good one to you too, sir.
-- Jeff
Happy midsommar to you too (sung to the strains of a well-known ABBA melody)!
Best Regards,
A happy midsommar to all from the Reich Duchy od Beerstein.
Best Regards,
A joyous Midsummer to all, from the Grand Duchy of Hetzenberg.
Best, A J
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