He is not able to speak and as such is using note pages to write his thoughts and requests, some hand movements and other visual cues to communicate also.
9 minutes ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Thank you for your update. Prayers & continued best wishes from all of us here in Tradgardland...
Thanks for the news, Murdock. Please express my best wishes to Jeff. Hurrah Jeff! It is tough going now but forge on!
I'm painting a Kurassier regiment at the moment - I'm going to name an ancestral BlueBear Jeff as its inhaber. I'll post a photo on the Syldavia blog asap.
Thanks for acting as our intermediary, Murdock. I only recently had the pleasure of making Jeff's acquaintance online, but I get the definite impression that he is Good People. His comments and contributions to the online community are sorely missed.
Please convey my best wishes to both Jeff and Mrs Bluebear and tell them I said to remember that they are Not Alone, not so long as they're in our thoughts and prayers.
Dr Vesuvius
Manchester, England.
Thanks for the update. All positive energies and thoughts are his. Tell him to drink plenty of water - it flushes any lingering anesthetic from the body and helps with chemo too.
Pass on to Jeff my wishes for his speedy recovery. I am praying for him and his family during this time of trial.
Pass on to Jeff my wishes for his speedy recovery. I am praying for him and his family during this time of trial.
Hi Jeff (You Ol' Bluebear you!)
I'm sending you positive energy, thoughts, and prayers. Concentrate on your recovery; pace yourself, and before you know it, you'll be up and about.
All The Best From Raubenstadt,
The Markgraaf
Hi Jeff (You Ol' Bluebear you!)
I'm sending you positive energy, thoughts, and prayers. Concentrate on your recovery; pace yourself, and before you know it, you'll be up and about.
All The Best From Raubenstadt,
The Markgraaf
All of Beerstein is sending their best wished for a speedy recovery...
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