Herrschaden troops in battle for the first time! A short report may be found on my blog. Their first taste of battle was not a wholly fortunate experience, as their Light Horse were roughly handled by my Rizhskiy Horse Grandiers and the commander of their mercenary battalion fell to the well aimed shots of the Liccaner Grenzers. Of course, the Direktorate will tell a different tale....
17 hours ago
That NCO with the spontoon looks like he means business!
...Colonel Henri LaLande was shot in the head and stomach leading his battalion along the road between the church and cottage. Fortunately, he was wearing the latest approved (Approval Code ID: OIIIIIIIO), fully Herrschaden designed and manufactured Cuiraiss and steel hat liner. He is expected to retuen to duty...
...or else...
...additionally, all infantry senior NCO's in Herrschadener units carry the 'people's scythe'...it gives them a nice 'edge'...
G'day, Littlejohn.
Trust me, mate, it's all for show. What sort of RSM would let some pesky Grenzers shoot his CO out of the saddle? :-)
...a well Direkted one - CO's have a way of getting 'in the way' of business...a few lead balls and a good crack on the head should sort this one out...
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