Logistics of my projected
1713-1714 Catalonia campaign are experiencing some technical difficulties -although I expect we'll have them solved in a few days. The matter is that, after some play-testing, it was realized that a good logistic support would be needed to run the campaign, so that a gaming friend offered himself to adapt the whole to a CyberBoard gamebox, and this is to become quite hard to do -more than expected.

This is why I've been, in the meanwhile, developing in my blog some chained
short tales, which are intended to bring some individual characters to life. However, there is no aim to derive my campaign into a merely narrative story (on the other hand, I'd be noticeably uncapable for such a huge enterprise, due to my English language knowledge shortages!) Inversely, I'm planning to simultaneosly develop that campaign in several fronts, so that it potentially becomes an inspiration source not only for miniature wargaming scenarios, but also for roleplaying and/or pulp gaming. The campaign rules are to conduct bigger armies moves, while the already created individual characters stories will be growing and mixing, either by narrative speculation or with the aid of Mythic GME tables -kindly provided by a Valencian reader, roleplay gamer. An ambitious plan, no doubt. In spite of its magnitude, I believe this all may be appropriately guided if done without any hurry, delecting oneself at every step by itself.
So that it is still possible that my Galatea Principality birth's date might still delay a little bit --and even more delayed might be its chronological encompassment to the rest of EvE Imagi-nations!
In the end, I'd like to ask for a couple of things to all those of you that might be interested in plunging a bit into your own Imagi-nation's recent History through mine. If any of you would somehow involve your own country's History in my Defiant Principality's birth struggle, please let me know your
plot suggestions, whatever their nature:
1 - For example, you might will to introduce one of your imagi-nationals into my ever-developing storyboard, with some specific mission you would imagine.
2 - Another way of inter-connecting Histories might be getting the country as a whole openly involved in the campaign, in this or that sense -however, I admit this one to be a bit too compromising for you, depending on tje involvement degree!
3 - Finally, I'd love to contact players running Spain, France, Britain and Austria proxy Imagi-nations, in order to *consult* to them eventually arising issues that might concern their respective Imagi-nations --or simply to discuss and agree eventual interactions produced during the campaign.

Last but not least, I've started drawing some
cartography of my Imagi-nation, as you can see by the image attached, specifying the imaginary names I'm to be using. Following Jean Louis suggestions, I'm in the job of assigning mythological names to each of the Crown of Aragon states: ie
Galatea for Catalonia,
Pyrene for Aragon,
Hesperia for Valencia and
Gymnesian for the Balearic Islands. Other names already chosen too are
Scylla for Sicily,
Arborea for Sardinia,
Gallia for France,
Brittany or maybe Albion for the UK, and
Eiberia for Spain (Castile). Otherwise, cities and towns will be probably assigned their actual Roman, Greek or Pre-Roman names, or closely similar ones.