Von Bergman has been finding it hard of late to remain patient and quiet as he regains his health. Although recuperating in the company of comrades old and new he has long since run out of reading material . His thoughts are filled with activity- diplomatic, military and heroic. He remains unsure as to whether he is needed to further the Jacobite Cause in Scotland or whether he should return to the Duchy of Tradgardland his heimat. His eyes look out to sea , staring into the middle distance in pensive manner...
Von Bergmann was wounded 17 May and will be fully recovered 17 November.
Jim & Bill
Are Vonn Bergmann and the Tradgardlanders needed for more games in the Jacobite campaign? If not would it be best if they sailed,sorry flew, back to me @ the Duchy of Tradgardland aand fought here?
best wishes
Hi Alan,
No Jacobite battles are on the drawing board through the end of January 2010.
I would like to think that The Stuart Cause will still need the services of von Bergmann and his escort for the final battle on a cold damp moor somewhere in the Highlands.
Von Bergmann will remain and do his bit for The Stuart Cause - be assurred of this...
Did not Frivolous Fiona try to warm up Von Bergmann's recovery?
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