After having taken great pleasure reading about your projects for some time now, I have finally started a blog detailing my own imagi-nation project of Syldavia (and Borduria). I invite you to visit.
On behalf of the King of Syldavia, I wish to open diplomatic relations with you.
I'll take this moment to welcome Jim as our 70th EvE Member Author.
-- Jeff
Excellent news! Le Sceptre d'Ottokar is one of my favourite Tintin books. Look forward to seeing your take on it.
PS the official Tintin website is worth a visit by anyone who likes the books http://www.tintin.com/index.html#
A warm welcome in our League of Lace Wars Imagi-Nations!
It really warms up my old heart to see what was probably the very first fictional country to fire my imagination with its pleasant fictitious uniforms (was it really more than 55 years ago?), appearing in its 'alternate 18th C.' incarnation.
Welcome from Cavenderia. Long live your state.
Willkommen from Unkerlant, may your country fare better than our sad, angry little kingdom..
A laurel and hearty welcome to the world of ImagiNations!
The Soweiter League welcomes Syldavia and Borduria to the ImagiNations!
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