I don't know if its bad form, but in recruiting an Imagi-Brigade for my French army, the Corps du Vin, while my own Saxe-Märchen force and Imagi-Regiments (the Swiss Batalion Valais and the Pfalz-Wurstburg Kreis-Regiment Mosel) make up the bulk, I just had to have 2 units I have always like the look/sound of - the Arquebusiers de Bergerac of St Maurice (fits the wine flavoured theme of my army) and the Sarkozy Hussars of St Vignoble (more wine...).
I understand the French treasury has come to an amicable financial settlement, although if it's anything like Saxe-Märchen's experience, agreements were signed under the shadow of French 12 pounders...
Let us hope they perform as well in French service in the upcoming 1757 Great Push as they did in '48.....
8 hours ago
I see nothing wrong in that. Another imagi-nation and I share the Warsteiners. Mine is a freikorps unit and the other is a line unit. there were enough "inhabers" with the same last name across real country lines that sharing across imaginary country lines isn't improper.
I see nothing wrong in that. Another imagi-nation and I share the Warsteiners. Mine is a freikorps unit and the other is a line unit. there were enough "inhabers" with the same last name across real country lines that sharing across imaginary country lines isn't improper.
Just another pleasant aspect of those friendly interactions within our genial brotherhood!
I am in the market for a Cuirassier regiment too :)
My current thinking is to build the Hohenzollern Kurassiers (the one with 61 different tinpot states contributing troopers...)
...but am also on the lookout for an Imagi-Nation one
In white, sky blue facings, golden cuirass? I don't have the reference, but saw them mentioned on the web, years ago.
Then, may I mention the dashing Gardes du Corps of the Elector Spiritual?
By tradition the Archbishopric of Wizboldfeld is given as a persoenliches feudales Land to the newly elected Geistiger Waehler Elector Spiritual of the Reich of the Germans in Pangaea.
I happened to play the part of the current religious Kurfuerst des Reiches Cardinal Johan-Louis von Hausseinem in Christofberg, when the Pangaean campaign was active, some 2 years ago, but 'Akula' is the designer of the uniforms and flags :)
The Garde du Corps are far too splendid for us...but Gerhardt von Werthy's horse OTOH...
I love Colonel Amadeus von Wehrwolf too....
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