Learn there whether it was the Lady Elisenda or Miss Fiona that got caught in the close quarter battle seen here!
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
An excellent report for a crisp, frantic action!
Proxy games are one of the most genial features of 'EvE'.
Then... only the good die young. Auf Wiedersehen, Fiona, we'll miss you!
Now, Elmar Wilhelms was obviously in a state of shock... Maybe Fiona is severely wounded, unconscious, barely breathing, but still alive. Is there monastery close by? Some monks are outstanding, almost miraculous healers, specially in monasteries close to a dangerous road...
Of course I left the next part of the story open ... no fun for the originator of the plot line otherwise.
The critical points of the game play are:
One of the three 'household guards' that were on the stagecoach actually SHOT the Dragoon officer (it may have been a mistake but that IS what happened) and Elmar saw it happen (hidden behind the smoke powder) could there be a turncoat in their midst? This same man shot the Mario in the back during the dueling with the Count.
Fiona led off a merry chase, she dodged many sabres then the villains killed her horse. With the Hussars closing in on them there was no time for prisoners. Four of them took a stab at her.
Sincerely thrilled while reading, and deeply commoted by Fiona's heroic sacrifice.
I somehow expected some kind of setback as a result of the AAR; in spite that this was one of the least harming possible results, from a dispassionate point of view, I've felt a deep sorrow for Fiona's end -so hopelessly cornered, so relentlessly murdered.
Many thanks MurdocK for your commitment in creating such an enjoyable AAR; only wish you and your Little Sirs enjoyed the game :)
Well I did, though the commander of the mercenaries did not like that he was badly outclassed in the hero category.
Thanks for your efforts. What a dramatic scenario and write up! A regrettable end for Fiona. The Syldavians regret that there horses were not faster...
If desired, it's up to you creating a post-action scene from the Syldavian point of view! I'd gladly read and assume it :)
The plan was set with the Syldavians, with two cadets in the coach with the General and Ritter.
When the action was noted the 6 Hussars did what all Hussars do ... especially Veteran/Elite ones! They raced off to get some treasure!
The General quickly got out from the coach and mounted one of the cadets horses and the four cadets became escort for the General, arriving at the action just as the Dragoons were finishing off the mercenaries in red.
The General showed up 2 rounds after the Husssars who stopped short of the Dragoons upon determining that they were not immediate foes, it was another round before the General met up with the two old men diplomats to learn that the ladies had fled the scene and been chased by the other mounted mercenaries.
It was the Hussars that arrived at the either dead or dieing Miss Fiona ... perhaps a good death scene?
Fiona Fins a sempre, Petita Bonica!
A Syldavian report would be fun but I'm travelling at the moment. It is work related and am quite busy. I won't be able to think about anything else for a while.
Sorry you can't at present. Don't worry anyway, I'm not writing anything else about Lady Elisenda for a while either. I must priorize focusing on other open fronts of my Imagi-Nation; guess this delay helps allowing you some chance to still write something about that scene :)
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