We now have well over 70 blog members. Did you realize that we had so many Imagi-Nations?
Please be sure to update your personal blogs with word of new units "raised" during the holidays . . . we all like looking at new toys.
Finally allow me to wish the very best to all of your Imagi-Nations (the vile Stagonians excepted, of course) not only during the holidays, but during the coming new year.
-- Jeff
Happy Winter Solstice from the Soweiter League and the Batrachian Empire!
"Winter Solstice? Christmas? Holidays? BAH, HUMBUG!
-- Koenig Ludwig du Vile of Stagonia
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year from the Kingdom of Wittenberg
-- King Leopold IV
We few. We happy few. Happy Holidays to this Band Of Brothers!
The Markgraaf Of Raubenstadt
A Happy Winter Solstice from the Grand Duchy of Hetzenberg! Lieutenant Mary Amadeus has been commissioned to direct the Xmas Night firework display.
Does the Grand Duchy have enough powder for Mary Amadeus? We know that she does like things that go BANG!
-- Jeff
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