The Presipality recently established preliminary

The Great Antipodeal Continent of Pangaea is a world on its own, but events there deserve to be followed.
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
Actually Alstein is already a member.
-- Jeff
Sorry -I 'spotted' it and linked MC to it before it was, and we are (fortunately / happily!) so numerous now... Diversity is richness.
Many thanks for the welcome
Yes Pangaea is about to have two very large battles..the first is the clash , in the Alban province of Argon , between the invading army of Nouvelle-Champagne,commanded by the Viscomte de Merlot and the Alban Army commanded by Don Alexander Farneses, Duque de Parma, known far and wide as "the Butcher" due to his blody suppresion by Braganzan spperatists in the provinces of San Kylie and Corvova.
The N-C force is supported by a mixed Helvetian-N-C force ,under the command of General-Graf Jürgen von Kohler siegeing the fortress complex of Ronscevalles..
and outside the village Alt Hugel, the scene of the first encounter and victory over the Vorlund forces of von Bayerlinn.
Unable to evade a much larger force of Vorlunders led by Marshal Loudon himself King Oscar and the Vandenburg -Brussians have to fight again..a pivotal battle in the campaign, the first phase could end here with a severe Brussian defeat..
I'm still working on my blog ( and figuring out how things all work. "The Wholly Romantic Empire" is really a loose confedration of countries, City states, bishoprics who elect at the death of an incumbent, a successor. Very like the the "Holy Roman Empire", in fact, though it cam into existance much later. The Imperial homelands comprise Trockenbier and Auslese; the Elector's the Markgravate of Altmark and the Grand Duchy of Uberheim; The Princess Ursula's Principality of Ursaminor; and Constantine IX's recently renamed Grand Duchy M'yasma. The Empite and Ursaminor is separated by about a days march of Uberheim; such is the length (as the crow flies) of the common border shared by the Elector on the Grand Duke. There is a fifth counrty whose history occasionally impacts on these four: Jotun-Erbsten, but it in not part of the WRE.
The above blog site is where news a,d events will gradually emerge from the mists of obscurity...
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