9 hours ago
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
It would probably help if you let us know what size they are (15mm, 25mm, 28mm, etc.)?
-- Jeff
Look like Front Rank to me.
They are 25mm, but on the small side...
The officer reminds me of Garrison - the pose anyhow. The fellow who owns Garrison is over at OSW.
Bill P.
The horses are definitely Front Rank, so I' m guessing that the riders are either SYW Hanoverians or WSS cavalry with the big floppy cuffs.
Thanks for the hints, but no joy. The Garrison figure are very nice indeed, but no a match. Front Rank are very close, but also not a match. My figures are smaller than Front Rank, but they might be the best match unless some kind sole recognizes them...
Perhaps photos from the side behind so we could see the hair styles would be useful . . . it would help differentiate between WSS and SYW for example.
Another thing to consider is the shape of the figures' bases . . . I know that some manufacturer's use particular base shapes.
-- Jeff
Could they be Dixon SYW?
These figures could very well be Dixon, however, their web site does not have photos of their WSS figures...
Although photos of mini figs are hard to find, I don't think these are mini figs. However they are close!!!
They are definitely Front Rank SYW French Dragoons. I have the exact same officer raising the sword over his head. I have some unpainted ones - same figures in my pile of unpainted lead. The Front Rank French were the first range that the company sculpted and may seem smaller due to later scale creep.
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