Summer looms really close now and my time off teaching. I wonder if I could ask you to recommend some fiction set in the 18th Century? Europe and the French/Indian wars in particular. To give you some inkling of where I am coming from my taste is far more the Master and Commander series than the Sharpe series- no offence meant to anyone!
Thanks in anticipation
3 hours ago
Jack Absolute may be worth a look. At least two books. One set in Europe one in America during the F&IW.
Also Fennimore Cooper, if you can get through his style, Last of the Mohicans etc.
Drums Along the Mohawk.
Those are what comes to mind imediately. I believe there is also some naval fiction out there.
The Black Cocade by Victor Suthren. This is one of three naval books (like Aubrey, Hornblower, etc.) about French Capitaine Paul Gallant and his command at Louisbourg. Suthren has several other naval and War of 1812 titles too. I read the Paul Gallant series twenty years ago. Good. Try to find a naval fiction book shop or ABE BOOKS.
Bon chane,
Try to latch on to "Wilderness Empire" by Allan Eckert. While based on true events and characters, it reads like fiction.
It's not military historical fiction per se, but Edgar Pangborn's Wilderness of Spring has plenty of action (so far -- I'm about 200 pages in) and is very well written.
The Master of Ballantrae by RL Stevenson is excellent. It goes from the '45 to India to North America. The book is much better than the Errol Flynn movie of the same title.
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