The Grand Duchess and King Wilhelm von Kluge of Bleiherzen agree on little... except this following joint communique:
We wish to express our best and warmest wishes to Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein on his birthday!...and may your gracious and noble guidance of "Emperor vs Elector" continue to inspire and enliven this wonderful pursuit of wargaming in the 18th century!
Three Cheers for Bluebear! Hip Hip!....
Thank you very much. My wonderful lady wife and I just got back from enjoying a lovely meal at our favorite restaurant . . . and I was surprised and delighted to receive your kind message.
-- Jeff
Hear! Hear! And now for a rousing chorus of For He's a Jolly Good Fellow!
For he's a jolly good fellow!!!
A loud Huzzah from all at Tradgardland and Saschen-Vindow!
best wishes
Warmly seconded!
A free drink on the Palace to all Monte-Cristans.
Huzzah Sir!
Congratulations and warmest wishes.
Reich Duke Wilhelm and young King Basil are very pleased have have been visiting during your birthday. We hope you enjoy the fowling pieces!
For he's a jolly good fellow!
Happy birthday Jeff! :-D
I just watched a movie that featured an ImagiNation - Carlton Brown of the F.O., featuring Terry-Thomas, with Peter Sellers and others (I wouldn't be surprised if there were some among you who have heard of and/or seen this :-) ). It's part of a boxed set of old Peter Sellers movies (pre-Pink Panther). This one is about an imaginary island country called Gaillardia, set during the Cold War. They even show a map of it from time to time.
Congratulations and thank you!
Many happy returns, Jeff!
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