I saw pictures on the web somewhere of a new range of mid 18th century wargame figures that were catoonish/caricature with exaggerated noses proportions etc.I can't for the life of me recall who made them I quite fancy painting a few..Can you help?
1 day ago
Can't seem to find them on the website,can You help?
Pax Limpopo:
Or the comic thugs and policemen here:
There was a post on our blog a few months back;
but a search of the Eureka site has failed to turn up any trace. Anyone know what happened?
The Cardinal had it right. It was Eureka, but SYW Follies, not Limpopo. The photos on Eureka's site aren't working for me but they can be seen here:
Look under the Age of Reason category.
Still can't seem to find them...
can anyone post a link for us?
I see it on Eureka USA.
http://www.eurekaminusa.com/catalog.aspx?c=SYW Follies 28mm&cid=479&pageIndex=0
Thanks Corporal.I have just emailed the UK stockists to see if we can get them here...
ooh, I really like those! If I were starting an ImagiNation today I would really be tempted to use those (and hope they expand the range). Heck, I'm tempted anyway.
Evening folks!
This is the email I got-
Hi Alan,
I don't intend holding stocks of them, but will obtain them to special order for customers. As far as I am aware, however, they have yet to be officially released, and have only been available as advance samples at Salute.
You are the only customer ever to ask about them. :-)
Best wishes,
Ian Marsh
I take that to mean you are the first in line at Fighting15's, Alan. ;-)
I picked up several packs from Rob at Eureka USA. He had a good supply of them at Historicon this year.
they might also have been part of the Shark'e Rifles of the Slaughterloo collections.
They did some of the Napoleonic era with elves as French, Orcs as British, undead and Zombies as Russians.
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