I decided that I wanted to re-base most of my lace wars figures so that I could use them for other rule sets in addition to Volley and Bayonet after our club fought a game using Koenigs Krieg. While doing this I also set up two opposing battalions engaging each other at a distance of fifty yards. The figure ratio is about 1:4. The figures are all Heroics and Ros 1:300 scale figures. At this scale 1mm is about 1 foot. The two lines are separated by about 160mm. I still have quite a few more infantry to finish re-basing along with the Dragoons and Hussars.
Two views of infantry battalions about 50 scale yards apart. 160 miniatures per battalion on a scale frontage of 131 yards.
4 hours ago
Minis of this size allow *really* 'Big Battalions'.
Looking eagerly forward to see the whole of the the Armed Might of the Duchy of Clove-Hamhock in its colorful glory!
Impressive indeed! I do like 1/300th scale for that BIG battalion feel. I have an early Imperial Roman legion at a scale of 1:10. When fully arrayed it looks a treat.
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