Reich Duke Wilhelm's diplomatic Chancelor is in a tissy at the loss of Who's Who for EvE. How can proper diplomatic relations be maintained when we can't determine Who's Who in the zoo?
Being in the nature of a genial location for imaginary nations of the Eighteenth Century to carry out diplomatic affairs . . . (not the place for rule discussions, miniature manufacturers, painting reports, history of your country or other things that belong on your personal blogs).
It was a project taken on by one of our members way back at the beginning of EvE . . . and, I believe, it was sadly out of date.
Perhaps it is time for someone to volunteer to take up the reins of this project again.
We currently have over 80 members . . . although many have been inactive for some time.
Still there would be quite a lot of information gathering necessary for such a project.
Do we have any volunteers?
-- Jeff
Jeff, Thanks for the background. Even if the data was outdated, it still provided personality information on many of our imagi-nation friends. A good start would be to see if it is possible to repost Who's Who and ask our members to update their realms. Thanks,Bill
I'd like to, but I'm currently too busy with my own Imagi-Nation development...
I had been lately preparing a map intended to graphically represent the Principality of Galatea and its environment, so that the main fictitious or real nations involved in the Principality's birth could be seen at a single glance.
For my needings, it was to be a map of Europe on about 1710s, just between Utrecht and Rastatt treaties. It is currently unfinished yet, but it already depicts the *historical* boundaries at that time in the form of a plain, 'mute' map with no names or legends yet.
Here you can see a reduced version of it: http://static.zooomr.com/images/9468099_938c3be493.jpg. I guess if something similar might be used for an EvE's who-is-who.
I rise in support of Captain Bill's suggestion. I agree that Who's Who was a fine resource, and while I would not care take on sole responsibility for the project, I am certainly willing to pitch in and help in any capacity in which I can be useful.
I would be glad to aid you by up keeping the Who's Who for EvE. My painting is slowing down due to daily duties but late night computer time is unaffected. If you agree the members could update their information.
John M.
One of the many neat features of Who's Who for EvE was the bubble map which really was helpful in developing story lines...
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